Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Anime Styles

There are different kinds of anime genres and with each genre, there is different drawing styles.The different drawing styles always depend on the artist.

There is always different styles the drawings also changes the more series they make.The drawing styles also change by the way the artists want to draw it.Sometimes the drawings change when they collaborate with other artists.The art styles are easy to recognize,if you look closely,the styles of the eyes of each anime only belong to the artist who drew it.There are many to-be artists who copy the drawing styles.The drawings also differ from the years that they had drawn it on.Like Clamp,When they drew Magic Knights Rayearth,it was 1999,When they drew xxxholic,it was 2006-Present.
The anime styles also determines in games too,there are game drawing styles like the tales series and other ones.The drawing styles also change over time like anime,The drawings either get upgraded of downgraded.The different kinds of anime is very cool because there could be anime that looks realistic or anime that looks very fake.All anime are unique,they always tell a story in their drawing styles,also in the background there might be something very funny.Each anime is sometimes changes slightly in each season,sometimes the changes are noticeable sometimes it isn't.The anime from a long time ago has different styles from the styles from now.The first anime,Astro Boy,has differences that is noticeable to the anime now.
The features of the animes,like speaking and moving gets improved as the years go on,that's because the drawing styles changes over time,also the movement and the way their mouth moves depend on the drawing styles.There is also anime styles that sometimes are educational,the drawing style of those ones are things or animals that might please children.The styles of each sometimes depend on the drawing brush that their using or the pen they have,they usually make a rough sketch and then ink it in.The anime and the book form,manga always differ from each other,there are regular ones,the ones that you read backwards,and the American version,which you read like a regular book.There is also the 4-koma or the yonkoma of it,which is 4 boxes lined on top of each other which you read from top to bottom.Each anime style may change over time,but they're all still very enjoyable to watch and to read.

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